Hello Friends !! Welcome to my blog where you can have a peek into my magical and wondrous world.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


If you didn't come to school on Valentine's Day, you probably didn't miss anything. Don't regret. Heh. Except if you're Yau, Siew Jun, Rou En or HUI LI.

We got the basketball court! (for once :P)

I bet your regretting now :D We probably WILL never get it AGAIN. *sigh* We need more courts :'(

Oh today's the 15th of FEB 09. Some special urhm...HUMAN was born on that day, 15 years ago.

Guess who??
It's Rina!! :O *shockshockshock*

You're so old already! 15! See la. I'm STILL 14 years young :'D
Haaah. The one that told me she never liked anime and debated with her father about Kadaj not being an anime! Also one of those fella's that got me addicted to Kingdom Hearts (look at previous posts. Don't be lazy!) I'd write the whole sentimental thingy, but you know me. Lazylazy :3 Have a very happy birthday BEST FRIEND!! :DDDDDDDDDD

I'd put a picture of you, but I don't have one D':
So I'll doodle one and upload it later on. HEHE. This is going to be good...

Anyway, like I said. We did gotong-royong on Valentine's? Urh. Okay? And no cookies or chocolates! :'(
I was starving! (okay la. Exagerated sikit)

A special note: I know you'll probably never read this blog in like a gabajillion years unless I advertise it to you, but I'll just write anyway. I might not know you very well, but I'm so sorry for your loss. Continue being strong and don't be afraid to cry if you need too, because we all need a good cry once in awhile. We'll all be there for you, that's what friends are for.


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